Our story takes place in Rigbarth, a scenic town located in the Kingdom of Norad. After the protagonist loses their memories, they join the peacekeeping organization known as SEED and complete many missions in their name. This protagonist can be either male or female—the choice is up to you!
A mysterious life force known as "runes" helps maintain a delicate balance between people and the natural world. When something starts disrupting the region's flow of rune energy, the protagonist must investigate a series of strange events.
Every day the townsfolk bring SEED their requests, which range from finding lost items to hunting down monsters. Complete these requests to earn SEED Points, which allow you to issue Directives.
Use any SEED Points you've accumulated to issue Directives. These let you organize festivals, earn licenses for skills like cooking or forging, and develop useful tools—all things that will make your life in Rigbarth even better.