Field Controls
Left Stick/Directional Buttons | Run |
A Button | Talk/Check/Pick up (hold down to gather more than one of the same item); Hold selected item from Pocket |
B Button | Perform Action/Charge Attack (hold down); Equip selected item from Pocket |
X Button/Y Button | Use rune abilities; Equip selected rune ability from Pocket |
L Button | Open Pocket/Invite residents |
R Button | Dash/Invite residents |
R Button+L Stick+Directional Buttons | Walk |
ZL Button | Expand/Shrink Map |
+ Button | Open Camp Menu |
- Button | Skip dialogue |

Holding Down A or B
You can press and hold the A Button to automatically pick up
more than one of the same item. Holding down the B Button
while carrying a weapon will allow you to build up a charge
attack (if you've learned it). You can also move while
charging up to get the most tactical position.

Menu Controls
Left Stick/Directional Buttons | Move cursor |
A Button | Confirm/Select item |
B Button | Move cursor to tabs/Cancel/Close |
X Button | Scroll up |
Y Button | Scroll down |
R Button | Equip/Unequip items or rune abilities |
ZL Button/ZR Button | Change tabs |
+ Button | Close Camp Menu |
- Button | Sort items |