Working the Fields
Use the fields beneath the Hollow and in dungeons to grow your own
crops. These fields may be covered in weeds, stones, and branches,
so be sure to clear them by hand or with tools before you start

Tending to Crops
Plow the fields with your hoe and plant seeds in the newly tilled
soil. Water your crops every day, and the seeds will grow into
produce that you can harvest. If your waterpot is empty, you can
fill it up at any water source.
Farm Tools
Familiarize yourself with these farming tools and how to use them.
Hoe | Tills the fields and uproots bamboo shoots. |
Sickle | Use it to remove weeds, or on mature crops to collect higher-level seeds. |
Hammer | Smashes rocks and mines them for ore. When used on a plowed square of land, it returns the soil back to its unplowed state. |
Axe | Cuts branches and tree stumps into lumber. |
Waterpot | Waters tilled soil and anything growing in it. |
Fishing Pole | Used for catching fish wherever you see shadows beneath the surface. |
Brush | Helps you befriend monsters. |
Clippers | Let you shear woolies for their fur. |
Magnifying Glass | Provides detailed information about the soil quality of each individual plot in the fields. |

Cast your line into a body of water like a river or the ocean,
or wherever you can see the shadows of fish lurking underneath
the surface. Watch (and listen) closely for the right moment,
then press the B Button to reel in your catch once it's on the

Shipping Crops
All grass, stones, and crops you collect from your fields can be
shipped and sold through the shipping bin underneath the Hollow.
Shipments will be collected every day at 5:00 PM, so make sure to
get all your items in by then.

One Farmer's Trash...
Besides crops, the shipping bin can also be used to sell weapons,
farming tools, food, and pretty much anything else you can get
your hands on. If you find something you don't need, toss it in
the shipping bin for extra cash! Just know that once an item goes
in the shipping bin, it can't be taken back out.