Befriending the Townsfolk
As you increase your friendship levels with residents, you may be
able to invite them on adventures or take on new requests from
them. Just talking to someone once a day will help improve your
relationship, but a present now and then won't hurt either! The
Friendship Level page in the Camp Menu will show how well you're
getting along.

Invite Them on Adventures
Inviting residents to your adventuring party will also increase
their friendship level with you. Strengthen your bond by fighting
through dungeons together. If you'd rather take a break, you can
take any of the marriage candidates to one of Sharance's scenic
date spots for a special outing once you've gotten close enough.
Giving residents their favorite things is a great way to quickly
increase your friendship level with them. Everyone has their own
unique tastes, so listen closely to your conversations to get a
hint for what they might like!

A Touch of Perfume
If you visit Fantastic Flowers while Shara is working, be sure
to ask her for a complimentary sample of the daily fragrance.
You can never be sure which scent you'll get, but talking to
someone while wearing their favorite fragrance will give you
an extra boost in your friendship level!

Sharance hosts a wide variety of festivals throughout the year, so
be sure to check your calendar! Mayor Wells will go over rules and
proceedings for each festival, as well as confer prizes and
trophies for those participating. Festivals are also great
opportunities to boost friendship levels with the residents.